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In addition to the color charts, Mercedes also came out with special colors. Some examples of those are many of the metallic colors (ex. Light Blue Metallic DB353, Silver Metallic DB180) and non-metallic (ex. Medium Blue DB350, Yellow DB630). Some of these colors were also available on other Mercedes models.

light blue metallic

medium blue

light blue metallic


However, Mercedes was and remains a very customer focused company, any color that their customers requested may have been painted. Therefore, if a color code on the car does not match the colors shown here it could mean that either a) the car was painted by the owner contrary to its originally color OR b) Mercedes painted the carcolor to order by the customer. The only way to determine if the car color is original is to request a datacard to see if the color was part of the original specs.

non 190slcolor

This color was painted by the owner and not by mercedes

bugatti blue
special ordered color

According to the data card this is an original mercedes color
view a color chip chart for all Mercedes Benz