JULY 26-28, 2002
West Point, New York
Registration Form

July 26 - 28, 2002
Hotel Thayer
West Point, New York

Please fill out this form completely and promptly so we can plan for the convention.

CITY: _____________________________________________STATE: _____ZIP:______
PHONE (HOME): _______________________(WORK):_______________________________

_______Number of adult registrations @ $135.00 before 6/1 and $145.00 after
_______ Number of children (children are free) 
______________________________________Name of guest (s) 

TOTAL _______.______

Are you planning to bring a car? YES NO (circle one)

YEAR: _______________TAG NO:______________________ STATE:___________________

BODY COLOR: ___________________INTERIOR COLOR:_____________________

(circle one)
Entering a car in Gymkhana?             YES NO
Entering a car in Concours?              YES NO 
Entering a car in People's Choice?     YES NO 
Joining the Sunday Drive?                 YES NO
Attending Sunday Picnic?                 YES NO 

Joining the Friday boat trip? ($15-20 separate billing) YES NO 

Any questions call Brian or Paula at (845)266-4181 after March 15th.

Return convention form and check to: 
2002 190SL Group Convention
c/o Brian Parker
433 Hibernia Road
Salt Point, NY 12578