Welcome to the Glasurit paint pages.
Thanks to Allan Ward at Russ Ward Auto Body (since 1958) these chips are here to give you an idea of what certain DB colors look like. I have also included the mixing colors.
If you know the paint code of the color you want to view, click on it to reveal the chip and the mix. 
As you will see, the darker colors look black in many instances. The chips looked pretty dark as well. Therefore it is helpful to all of us if we have at least one example of each color on a real car. When a picture of a real car in that color is available, the link will be below the link to the chip, and will open in a separate window. (see DB304 for example)

Credit:  This page was originally posted on www.mbz.org by "Bill".  Thanks.
NOTE: DO NOT rely on these pages when getting your car painted. They are only a reference. I do enough stupid things all by myself and will not be responsible for anyone else's stupidity.

Glasurit Mixing Colors:
If you have a Pantone color matching book, try matching Gelb to PMS Yellow 12, and Rot to PMS 186.
Aluminum Chromgelb Dunkelblau
Feurrot Gelb Grun
Ocker Orange Rot
Rotbraun Rubin Schwarz
Weinrot Weiss  
Mercedes Colors

DB050 Weiss

DB124 Grau

DB125 Perlgrau

DB140 Silbergrau

DB157 Beigegrau

DB158 Weissgrau
Bill's 1962 190Dc

DB162 Blaugrau

DB164 Dunkelgrau

DB166 Blaugrau

DB169 Steingrau hell

DB171 Steingrau

DB172 Anthrazitgrau

DB178 Mittelgrau

DB180 Silbergrau metallic
Doug Kim's 1970 280SL

DB181 Hellbeige
M. Mitchell Marmel's 1967 250S

DB186 Zementgrau

DB190 Graphitgrau

DB213 Perlmutter Grun
Craig Evers' 1962 190SL

DB218 Lindgrun

DB221 Dunkelgrun

DB226 Moosgrun

DB229 Mittelgrun

DB259 Waldgrun

DB268 Blaugrun
Stefan Knappe's 1963 220SEb Coupé
and a 66 250 SE Coupe

DB270 Blaugrun

DB274 Hellgrun metallic

DB278 Tundragrun

DB291 Dunkeloliv

DB304 Horizontblau
RuthAnn's 1967 230S Universal

DB317 Graublau

DB320 Blau

DB332 Dunkelblau

DB334 Hellblau

DB335 Mercedesblau

DB350 Mittelblau
MMM's 1961 220

DB353 Hellblau

DB3538 Chassisrot

DB356 Hellblau

DB380 Delphinblau

DB387 Blau

DB396 Mittelblau

DB408 Havannabraun

DB409 Dunkelbraun

DB4100 Zementgrau

DB412 Beige

DB4200 Hellblau

DB423 Tabakbraun dunkel

DB439 Creme

DB441 Hellbeige

DB442 Rehbraun

DB460 Dunkelrotbraun

DB461 Broncebraun

DB462 Beige

DB463 Kupfer

DB501 Rot

DB513 Bordeauxrot

DB516 Mittelrot

DB519 Rot

DB526 Mercedesrot

DB5328 Standardblau

DB534 Feuerrot

DB538 Rotbraun

DB 542 Dunkelrot

DB543 Erdbeerrot

DB567 Lasurrot

DB568 Hellrot

DB571 Rot
Karl Middelhauve's 600

DB573 Dunkelbordeauxrot

Scott Saenger's 1980 500SLC

DB608 Elfenbein

 DB620 Hellelfenbein

 DB6277 Standardgrun

DB6285 Fichtengrun

DB6286 Unimog-Grun

DB630 Maisgelb

DB658 Elfenbein
Stefan Knappe's 1963 220SEb Coupé

DB670 Hellelfenbein

DB716 Graubeige

DB717 Papyrosweiss

DB7168 Perlgrau

DB7187 Standardgrau

DB 740G
Colin Miller's 1976 450SEL

DB824 Seegrun

DB834 Moosgrun