"Hall of Fame" Pictures

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On the "Back Roads Tour" following the 2001 Convention at Leadville CO. 

Eric Hiss' 190SL on Grizzly Peak Road in the Berkeley California Hills. ( High-Res)
An unknown 190SL for sale on eBay a while back.
David Hay at the William & Mary Homecoming Parade.
John Jacobson with a head gasket from Jim Villers' car
Don Drabik replacing his starter in the parking lot at the Leadville Convention
Robby Ackerman and Jim Villers pause while replacing a clutch at a KS Holiday Inn. 
Betty Villers in the rain at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, CO. 
Don Drabik and Don Freeze under the Jim Blint's dash.
John Jacobson enjoying and evening with Jim Villers' car.
A gathering of 190SL's in Redstone Colorado.
A beautiful set of Solexes
Susan Ackerman somewhere along the highway in Alaska.
Ron Rapp's "Best in Show" car from 1988.
Steve Sauter's car on CA Route 1 in the Big Sur.
An interesting image of a 190SL in a garage. (From Tony Gasparich's web site .
An interesting picture of a sand blasted and primed shell.  More on the Technical Info page under restroation.
Tom Hamilton at the 2002 Pittsburgh Vintage GP.H.R. (Picture by Peter Rutigliano )
George Vlasic's newly restored 190SL. 
Peter Rutigliano's 190SL in the field with others following the West Point Convention.
Mark Sawick competing in the 1999 Vintage Monte Carlo Rally
Robby's Pea Soup after a rare Virginia snow.
An SL by the house. Hi_Res
Joe Amaro's car at the Napa Valley Gathering in 2003
Walt Puryear's parts car sits quietly among the leaves.
Per Olsen, Christmas eve in Sweden 2006. Hi_Res
Joe Amaro's car at the Napa Valley Gathering in 2003
Walt Puryear's parts car sits quietly among the leaves.


The attendees at the 2000 Convention in Minneapolis MN.