2009 190SL Group Convention
 Yellowstone, NP

Friday Events

September 18, 2009 
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Friday we had an annual meeting breakfast before departing the Old Faithful Village for our final loop around the park.  Twice up and over the continental divide, stopping at the West Thumb Geyser Basin and on to lunch at the historic Lake Lodge.

The After the Ball folks then drove north past Canyon Village to Mammoth Hot Springs for the evening.    At right, a row of 190SLs parked facing Yellowstone Lake in front of Lake Lodge.

Morning at the Snow Lodge.
Walt Puryear by his car.
Valerie getting the car packed for the return home.
Brian Parker filling his plate at the breakfast buffet.

Susan & Larry Spitzmiller at breakfast
Marilyn Hamilton chats with Craig & Susan Smith
Don Drabik presenting his plans for out next Convention in Traverse City MI.
A last view of the Old Faithful Lodge form our hospitality room.

The two "Dons" cars were again side by side at West Thumb Geyser Basin.
Drabiks, Parkers and Shirly Freese at West Thumb.
Looking twin Geyser with the Yellowstone Lake.
Jim Villers at Lakeshore Geyser which bubbles out of the lake.

Historic Lake Lodge on the Yellowstone Lake
Jim Huey, Craig & Susan,  Smith, Evelyne Huey
The Freeses, Parkers, Drabiks and Puryears.
Betty Villers, Bob & Chris Merrell, Terri & Jack English

Susan & Robby Ackerman, Bill Johnson, Jannet, Cheri Ferbrache
A view of our cars from the Lake Lodge
After leaving the Lodge, a large bull bison crossed our path.
After rounding a curve in Lake Village, we found a large bison heard

Bill Johnson driving in front of rock formation made from slowly cooling lava.
Cheri & Bill and Jim look at the cliff formation.
Bill Johnson in front of the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel
A view of the hotel from the top of the hot springs.

The After the Ball group waiting for a decision on dinner.
Even after detail planning, we went into at least three directions.
Jim Villers driving under the Roosevelt Arch in Gardiner MT.
Another picture of Jim's car with the Roosevelt Arch.