2008 190SL Group Convention
 Laguna Beach, CA

Tuesday Tour
September 30, 2008 
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The Tuesday drive up the Pacific Coast Highway was filled with spectacular vistas of the ocean and the road that was hugged the hills above the water.

We had a private tour of the Point Sur Lighthouse, where 50 years of history came alive.

The convention ended at the Los Laureles Lodge in the Carmel Valley.

Till next year at the 2009 Yellow Stone Convention  

The early morning sun along the coast in Canbria
Ellis Lovell with Teri English and Valerie Puryear
Betty Villers and Valeri Puryear search for shells in Cambria
Linda & Bill Ainsworth in Cambria as we prepare to depart

Our first pause was a beach to view the walrus
There were many walruses laying on the beach. Strange how they occupy just this beach
Ellis & Margaret Lovell at Ragged Point; note the road hung along the hill
We were stopped for about 30 minutes as road crews worked to prevent rock slides

Teri english and Valerie Puryear wait for the road crew to finish
Jim Villers' car with a view of the bridge and road ahead
Approaching the Point Sur Lighthouse on the top of a volcanic rock just off-shore in Point Sur
 We had to park at the base of the rock and walk up to the Light Station

Half of the group, note others on in font of the light
A view down from the top
susan & Craig Smith with a light lens. Point Sur had a first order lens, 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide
A view of the other group climbing the stairs to the top of the Light Station

A view of the light from above
A view of our parked 190SLs from the top of the Light Station
We stopped for lunch at Nepenthe at Big Sur
190SLs parked on the road below the Nepenthe Restrauant

We gathered for lunch on the patio with a view of the ocean
Jim & Betty Villers enjoying lunch
Our final stop was the Los Laureles Lodge, an inn in an historic hunt lodge
A beer and snacks, the rooms were built in the old stables

Valerie Puryear demonstrating  her skills at caring for horses
Dinner in the Los Laureles Lodge
Susan & Larry Rotta, the found a Rotta Winery during the trip
What can be said about Walt Puryear and Betty Villers