2008 190SL Group Convention
 Laguna Beach, CA

Friday Events

September 27, 2008 
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Friday, we toured the William Lyon automotive collection, an unbelievabe collection of beautiful chrome cars of the 30's.   Lunch was at the Capistrano Depot (next to the rail tracks) with a self guided tour of the Mission of San Juan Capistrano (circa 1776).    The evening  was completed with a classic beach party.

190SLs in the parking lot while we await transportation. (note: David Jones' Maserati)
Ellis Lovell prepares to board our bus
Craig Smith enjoys the ride
Arriving at the General William Lyon's "garage"

This is a very private space with many personal memorabilia on the walls
Jim Villers and Don Freese discuss the collection
Bill Ainsworth has selected "his" 1930 Isotta Fraschini
Larry Rotta, Bill Sandefer, and Pete Schmid. Note the memorabilia wall

Joseph Herrmann with a Bugatti race car.
1935 Duesenberg SJ Speedster with Halloween paint
Mary Jo Herrmann picks her 1939 Mercedes 770K Cabriolet B
Susan Rotta walks past the Bugatti in one of the three display rooms

The tour members pose for a group picture.
Lunch was at "The Capistrano Depot"
While eating, we could watch passenger trains pass just outside the window
Our lunch stop

The Herrmann family visit the Mission San Juan Capistrano
Shirley Freese having her picture taken by Don
Susan & Auret Van Heerden in front of the ruins of the main chapel
Larry & Susan Spitzmiller have toured enough

The 190SL Surf Wagon
Hank Thayer uses his 190SL to "go surfing"
While at the beach party, we watched the surfers
Sufer boy and sufer girl (Ellis & Margaret Lovell)

Jim & Betty Villers was the surfers
Joseph & Elaina Herrmann enjoying the beach at sunset
Steve Marx at the hor d'oeuvre table
David Jones and others enjoying the picnic dinner

Fred Wulff and Steve Marx
Shirley Freese, Jack & Teri English
Don Freese, Craig Smith with Charles Spiher behind a fire pit
Tom Hamilton, Betty Villers, Larry Spitzmiller, and others enjoying the evening