2007 190SL Group Convention
 Lexington, KY

Tuesday Tour (Back Roads)

September 11, 2007 
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Tuesday began with a tour of the Corvette assembly plant (no cameras allowed).  After lunch, we toured the Lost River Cave. 

Lost River Cave is a return to bygone highway attractions before interstate highways.  Because of its cool "natural air-conditioning", it was a popular night club in the 1930's.

Heads ducked, we explored the Lost River Cave.

Don Drabik loading the trunk for the last time. Shirley Freese looks on.
Ellis & Margaret Lovell with Susan Spitzmiller in front of the hotel.
Gathering in the "non-GM" parking lot for the Corvette Assembly tour.
Sophie, Karen & Clara Poppele

The Lost River Cave highway marker.
Lost River Cave parking lot.
Teri English and Cheri Ferbrache
Shirley Freese tries on a "Bat Hat".

Descending the trail to the Lost River
Sophie & Karen Poppele with Betty Villers.
Walking towards the entrance to the Lost River Cave.
Through the entrance, then down a steep stair to a boat.

Don Freese in the very  narrow boat.
The Lost River is a similar geologic  formation the we explored in Mammoth Cavern
The dance floor of the 1930's night club.
Betty Villers in front of a  butterfly arboretum the seemed somewhat out of place. 

Clara Poppele with a butterfly.