Spouse (other)________________
City: ___________________________________________ State: _____ Zip:________
Phone (home): __________________(work): _____________(Email): ____________
Number of adult registrations ____ x $150.00 ($175 after 4/15) $______
Thursday Winery Tour and Lunch, $25 per person
Which day will you arrive?
Will you be staying at the Sonoma Lodge Yes
__ No __
Will you be bringing a 190SL? Yes __ No __
Year: _______________
License No.:________________ State:_______
Body Color: ___________________ Interior
Entering a car in Concours? Yes __ No __
People's Choice?
Yes __ No __
Attendee 1 |
Attendee 2 |
Attendee 3 |
Attendee 4 |
Name for Nametags |
Thursday |
Please check to mark
your participation |
Sample: ü |
Drive at Inifineon Raceway |
Picnic lunch at winery
($25) |
Welcome reception |
Friday |
Early morning driving
tour |
Wine country rally |
Sonoma historic walking
tour |
Dining (no-host) |
Saturday |
Presentations |
Awards Banquet | ||||
Sunday |
Breakfast Meeting |
Convoy across Golden Gate | ||||
Picnic | ||||
Sunday-Tuesday |
Post-convention tour |
With any questions, please contact:
Joe Amaro email: phone: 925-351-8828
Johannes Raedeker email:
phone: 510-599-8884
Make check payable to: 2004 190SL Group Convention. Mail check to:
190SL Group Convention, c/o Joe Amaro
2070 Strand Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
For hotel reservations, call the Lodge at Sonoma, 707-935-6600 and mention the "Mercedes 190SL Group".