2003 190SL Group Convention Williamsburg, VA

Sunday Tour of Virginia
Oct 19, 2003
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02_SunT The Tour of Virginia began at the Picnic with Shirley "gathering some food" for the journey.  Sunday was just an easy two hour drive to the Henry Clay Inn in Ashland, VA.  The tour participants included Robby & Susan Ackerman, Bruce Adams, Don & Kathy Drabik, Don & Shirley Freese, Paul Greenblatt & Maria Marmarinos, Tom & Marilyn Hamilton, Ellis Lovell and Margaret Nedelec, Brian & Paula Parker, Walt & Valerie Puryear, Jim & Betty Villers and John & Dorothy Vipond.

Tours always begin with a gas stop. Don Drabik tops off.
Paul Greenblatt and Bruce Adams tested Judson vs race car.
The Henry Clay Inn is a quaint B&B in historic Ashland Virginia.
Cars parked in front of the Inn as we checked in.

Walt Puryear checking his email on the upper porch.
Paul Greenblatt unloading his suitcases.
No tour is complete without a little repair.  Don Drabik and Bruce Adams under his car fixing a rattle.
Dinner was at the Smokey Pig.

Betty Villers, Walt Puryear, Brian & Paula Parker and Margaret Nedelec & Ellis Lovell order barbeque.
Don & Shirley Freese, Kathy & Don Drabik with Bruce Adams' back. 
After dinner in the second floor lounge; John Vipond, Tom Hamilton with Don Drabik in the back.