Friday Activities 

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email corrections to Jim Villers
Tom Hamilton set up a gymkhana course at Bear Mountain Park. 
Tom explained the "rules" and demonstrated the course.
Bruce Adams let his grandson Bijon "drive" his 190SLR. 
We needed lunch for the afternoon cruise and it was obtained from a deli just outside the Academy Gate.
Walt and Valerie Puryear buying their lunch.
Our cruise ship is the historic ship Commander which patrolled for submarines in WW2.  
The cruise was very relaxing with lots of conversation.  Here Marilyn and Marlin Dreyer chat with  Rich Splaine
A view of the Academy academic buildings on the cliffs at West Point. 
Betty Villers in front of the hotel. 
Friday's "heavy hors d'oeuvres" reception.
Tom Hamilton welcoming the membership and discussing the activities.
The women discuss their own activities.  
Don Freese with the Convention tee shirt.
Cheri chats with ???