After the Ball - Part 2 

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email corrections to Jim Villers
The second night was at the Shire Motel in Woodstock VT.
Another gathering on the deck 
The sign reads: "Caution Seniors Crossing".  I guess that they saw us coming. 
The "auditors" (Kathy Drabik and Cherri XXXXX" allocate the dinner check.
Car guys check it all out.  Don explaining that the tail light number indicates the model year.
Shirley Freese getting help putting on her hat.
Not quite right.
When in VT, do what the tourists do. 
This was advertised as a picturesque canyon.
Couldn't resist a picture in front of a old barn in New Hampshire.. 
The weather was overcast but the hills were beautiful. 
The third night was at the Tug Boat Inn in Boothbay Harbor Maine.
The rooms were literally "in the harbour.
Another gathering on the deck.  
We were joined by Rich Splaine and his wife and Marlin Dreyer and his wife.
Heading off "downtown" for dinner.
The Lobstermen's Coop.
Lots of lobster on a pier with a harbor view.
The sun went down as we walked back to the Inn to "gather" again.
Brian's, Don D's and Don F's car at Pem??? Point.
The final group in front of the  ??? light house.
Don D's and Don F's car ready to head home.