Tom Hamilton's Trip to the West Coast

Tequila Rose - Orange Blossom Special 

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After the Gymkhana on the morning of the Tequila Rose in Riverside, California, we drove the "Orange Blossom Special" rally through the town of Riverside, to March Field Air Museum and through the orange groves south of town.


A Bridge in town.
On of the planes at the air museum.
More planes
Inside of the museum building/hanger.
A road through the orange groves with royal palms.
Another orange grove with date palms.
A stop at the local Mercedes dealership.
The Tequila Rose was held at the Mission Inn in Riverside. The inn was built between 1904 and 1935 and restored from 1985 to 1993.
The entry court yard and pool from our room.
Some of the covered walkways.
The Inn was built and furninsed in the "mission stype of East Aurora, NY" by Mr Hubbard
We drove 90 miles south to Chula Vista where Clint Sadler gave us a tour of the Navy Base
A destroyer along side the pier.
Clint Sadler's 1977 6.9 SEL
The navel orange tree in Clint's yard produces a continual supply of oranges.
Look closely, you will see orange blossoms, young fruit and oranges ready to pick.
This photo was taken March 19 at 9AM withthe temperature of 78 degrees.
This is a "Low Rider", Mexican style.
On Sunday afternoon, we took the race car to Bob Gunthrup's to store until May.  Bob has some unusual cars.
Station Wagons
WW II German Staff car