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190SL Special Tools & Adapters 

(click on the picture to enlarge)


An oil pressure gauge that will connect to the pressure fitting on the oil filter housing (Walt Puryear)
Valve timing tool.  (Walt Puryear)
Frozen door hinge pin remover. (Walt Puryear)

Three special wrenched.  6-pinwrench for pinion flange bolt.  4-pinwrench for ??.  Cam rotation tool. (Walt Puryear)
4-pinwrench for removing ??   (Jim Villers)  
6-pinwrench for removing pinion flange bolt with an impact wrench.  (Jim Villers)  

Front end toe adjustment tool.  Note micrometer for measurement. (Walt Puryear)
Steering wheel puller.  fits inside hub, bolt has hole for horn wires. (Rich Splaine) 
Spin-on oil filter adapter. (Rich Splaine) 

Ridger tool for putting a rib bulge in a tube. (Walt Puryear) 
Swage tool to expand tube for fitting. (Walt Puryear)
Eyebrow edge mandrel for dent removal. (Walt Puryear)

This is a stencil for painting hub caps. 
The Mercedes part number is 115 589 42 63 00 (no longer availabel)
Valve adjusting wrench. 
000 589 11 07

This is a special tool for removing brake adjusters.  It was made from a 12mm 6-point socket that was ground flat and a side removed.  The center bolt keeps the tool from slipping on the adjuster. 


Anything else that you have that is different from the above, please email digital picture
to Jim Villers or mail a picture to 3133 Inlet Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454

The International 190SL Group is not affiliated with Mercedes Benz Club America (MBCA), DaimlerChrysler or Mercedes-Benz USA, Inc. The 190SL Group assumes no liability for the information contained herein. ©2001 International 190SL Group, Inc. For more information please contact one of the Webmasters:  Bill Streep or Jim Villers