190SL Group Convention at Niagara-on-the-Lake

July 1999 

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The convention hotel was the exquisite Queen's Landing Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake Ontario Canada
Most activities were held at the St. Moritz Winery.  Here is Jim Villers with David Hay.
We used the winery parking lot for the Gymkanna.  Betty Villers is judging Robby Ackerman's performance.
Several cars nest to the judging tent.  David Hay's, Brian Parker's and Jim Villers'.
At a Wellan Canal stop on the Sunday rally, Merle's "one eyed raccoon" with Pea Soup.  Merle had and accident on the way to the convention.
Robby and Susan Ackerman with Jim and Betty Villers in front of their cars on the way to the convention.
Jim Villers' covered SL and Robby Ackerman's in front of their "log cabin" on the way to the convention.