190SL Group Convention

Pinehurst, NC  July 1998 

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Bruce Adams hosted the 1998 Convention in Pinehurst NC.  Here Jim and Betty pose in front of the Pinehurst Hotel.


A view of the "People's Choice" line of 190SL's. The show and technical activities were held at the Sports Leicht restoration facility. 
The concourse tent and people's choice cars.
Another view of the concourse tent.
Alex Deaborn explaining the modifications to Tom Hamilton's 190SLR.
Rally master explaining the "rules' to Robby Ackerman.
Tom Hamilton preparing to start Sunday's rallye.
Jim Villers under the Pinehurst Hotel portico.
A collector's "old country store" stop on the rallye.
Inside the "country store".
Two SL's outside the "garage" at the country store.